Thursday, 25 August 2011

People are so media-savvy these days.

BucketBoy 032a

Photographing Bucket Boy in public, I inevitably get Questions.
“Sorry, I couldn’t pass by without asking what you’re doing,” said a guy on a bike.
“Is it a sculpture?” people want to know. “Is it art?”
“It’s an animation puppet,” I explained to a passing mum with a young child. “I make it move by filming it, time-lapse style.”
“He walks on the compooter,” added my three-year-old daughter, helpfully.
The mother turned to her son.
“We could do that,” she said. “Shoot a bunch of photos, compile them, maybe as a PowerPoint presentation...”
“...And put it on YouTube!” finished the tot.
Damn it. There was me thinking my film-making pretentions put me in some kind of artistic elite.
But, actually, a few Bucket Boy imitators on YouTube would be great. One of the best things about animation is its capacity to make people think “I could do that...”
“Thank you,” the woman smiled as she continued on her way. “You’ve inspired us.”

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